Fred & Vertical Skull

Local character

Mary & Danielle

Jerry Diaz & Kelly McGuire on Texas Sunset Cruise

Capt. & Wench on Sunset Cruise

Hemingway house six-toed cat


Jerry & Mary Diaz

Lattitude and Andy

Brian, Tammy, Karen, and us

Our first Bahamian anchorage. Great Sale Cay.

Sunset at Great Sale Cay

The "Q" flag to indicate we have not checked in with Customs yet.

Capt driving to Spanish Cay

Fuel ship delivering to Spanish Cay

Old conch shells with tree roots grown around them.

Hermit crab

Spanish Cay airstrip

Atlantic from Spanish Cay. Notice breakers on ourter reef.

House on Spanish Cay

Pool at Spanish Cay

Dingy tied off Manjack Beach

Road into woods on Manjack

Picnic area on Manjack Beach

Atlantc side of Manjack Cay

Soft sand on Atlantic side of Manjack Cay

Cruisers souvenirs on Manjack Cay

Cruisers souvenirs on Manjack Cay