Shillingford Distillery
Load of cane to be crushed
Water wheel crushing cane
The crushing crew
Raw juice from crusher - nasty
Canal bringing water from river
Students taking notes on boiler
Boiler stoked for next distilling run
Fermenting tanks
Sight glass to determine when alcohol level is right
Lab man explaining testing process
Yah love painting on rocks
Another sign of Caribbean political views
And another
Fresh Water Lake
View from Sam and Vicky's
Stream by Sam and Vicky's
Guarding the stream
Trafalgar Falls upper falls
Trafalgar Falls lower falls
River Rock Cafe
View from River Rock Cafe
Can you find the hummingbird?
Natural spring water
Orchid at Screw
Screw's hot pools
Entrance to pools
Water analysis
Entrance to pools
Yes, watch your steps
Old pot from a distillery
Rules, rules, rules
Water is not dirty
Ants were not a problem here
Cool guy, cool pool
Hot pool
Pools at Screw
Local wild flowers
Dominica says goodbye
Dominica sunset
Seabattical underway
Verna Breeze underway
Too close
Nelson's Dockyard English Harbor Antigua
How many goats can you get in a garbage can
The rock face is pretty much vertical
Nelson's Dockyard
Old English phone booth
Colonial buildings and island palms
Ocean crossing row boat
Nelson's Dockyard
Original entrance to Nelson's Dockyard
Old mooring rings still used today
Pillars from old sail loft
Who are those guys?
Nelson's Dockyard