The view from our bow.

Georgetown Pirates

Cat acting spastic in lifejacket

Georgetown dinghy float

Georgetown dinghy float

Pilot boat leading us in to Provo, Turks & Caicos

Five ducks in a row following the pilot

First look at Provo from entrance

Nice condos by Turtle Cove Marina

Note the band name

The Burmuda Triangle

One of our tiny cars

Enjoying ice cream in Provo

Da Conch Shack

Entrance to the conch farm

Sculptures at conch farm

The first step of raising conch

One year old in trays inside

Onshore ponds

Two and three year olds in onshore ponds

Onshore ponds

Offshore pens

Offshore pens

Tour guide with mature conch

Tool for removing conch without putting hole in shell.

Farm founders wrecked boat

Sapodilla Bay

Barb before haircut

Barb after haircut

The Captain before

The captain after

The harbor from the government dock

Fishing boats. Note one new one.

First walk into town

Instead of a disco ball, a globe.

Steve's son Joshua

Goats and sheep on street in Luperon

Steve's Place

Welcome to Imbert

Lunch in Imbert

Half the food at Imbert lunch

Civilization in Santiago

Modern large buildings in Santiago

Cinema in Santiago

Food vendors in La Vega

Vendor selling the bladders to beat the Devil out you

Lincoln Continental boom box

Pat & Dori and Richard & Harriet taking pictures of us taking pictures

Dori with two policemen

Pat with his DR flag do-rag

Mud people. Don't know the story.

More mud people

Elaborate costumes

Group that included kids

The little ones are very cute

Group sponsored by Alka Seltzer

I think this guys taking aim on Pat

Big headresses

Very elaborate

Group called The Scorpions with large stuffed scorpion

Guy on right taking a swing at kid in blue in the middle

I have no idea

Another one without explanation


Lots of color

Dori and Jose our guide

Harriet, Dori and Barb

Big fancy group

Guy on way tall bike

What is Barney doing here?